Sometimes, you just don't know how to even start thinking about planning. This will help you get moving with little brain-work and a little encouragement.
Burnt out? Tired? Excited, but have too many thoughts swirling around to plan? This is right up your ally. Trust me!
I can't pretend I came up with this. The first time I heard about this was from a friend who managed a large team of truck drivers. She, being the only woman on the team (in the 80's and 90's no less), wanted to make sure she had something to help her organize her thoughts before she powerfully commanded the place.
You may not have a brood of truck drivers to manage, maybe your group is more like a box of kittens or pack of hungry honey badgers. This helps you manage the myriad of thoughts from the last week, event, quarter or year even in the midst of feeding, training, loving, and learning from your students.
Snag it. I'm beggin' ya!
